Thursday, April 12, 2007


Sometimes, expectations can be so demanding in terms reaching your own dreams. It seems that dreams at the time like now still have not been reached yet in short............achieved the goal which I intend to do.

In fact, what I have not is insufficient......................So what???!!!!A matter of fact if there is anyway that I am able to turn into another person or vanquish into another world without ever being bothered.....................On my hand now...............sometimes it takes one to know one......

Jesus Christ!!!! At times the LIFE or the cycle of someone whom can be traded it could be a fair deal...............Hmmm........If given the chance I would not even hesitate to do so.............At least LIFE would turn out better than now............Instead of just 'rotting' in the house...........
The workalchoholic in me is still 'dying' to work instead of just 'hibernating'.........

Cannot just imagine anyone for being such a 'dreamer'.................Even the number of people the blog is not even being realistic at this moment.............Everyone is so busy with their lifes or activities..................Maybe dreaming is another form of expanding creativity, alertness as well as options in creating something new.................In short helping me to cope with the expectations which I am having towards myself.................Why not we trade place now???
Do you want to do so now??? Or even later???

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