Monday, June 04, 2007

For Now

Call it a day or whatsoever; with the activities..............sometimes I wish that I have more hands or even a few extra bodies to go around to different places to do the stuff which I won't mind doing them........................However; with my case I only have a pair of hands; a pair of eyes with additional Spectacles; a nose; a pair of ears and a pair of legs..............How far do you think that I am able to go around at this rate????

Jesus Christ!!!!! With so many functions happening at the same time how do you expect me to be around all the time????Not yet including my family...............Ahem............not from a partner yet...............but my current family that I am with....................Have any of your parents complain to you that you have not been spending enough time with them???? Well; I am one of those......................The problem is .........................If I were to explain it in details............It will take up the entire blogsphere...............Better not.............The best thing is you know; I know......

In short let me put them into whatever words that pop out from my brain; frankly speaking sometimes I really think that ...................I have been cursed................:

The last time I heard
The person with a
Very Ice Cold Queen personality
That used to be my tagline (Ahem; nickname)

Now; it seems to be different
I do not know how different
As I am not a mind reader
A normal homo sapien

Not like a Super Sapien (like in Smallville)
If I turn out to be one
I will be glad to tell
You that I am able to save Earth from disasters ironic can you be
Or a paradox........Or whatever non-sense
With the limited time; more activities
With career now on the way

Better make it lasting and stable
As I am too tired for now
A homo sapien brain is currently
'Working in progress'........

Still working; wishing that it never stops
Or ever stops
It will stop when I have my last breath
In this Mother Earth

As I do not have the intention
To stop doing what I have always love doing
The passion in doing them
Or making them real for others

Apart from that
The Hearts Affairs will need to put on hold
As I do not want to be confused
In short I have always been confuse over this

Now.............this words......WILL BE CONTINUED

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