Friday, February 16, 2007

Prince Charming

Let me put it straight; every girl dream is to have the 'other half' to be her companion when she grows old. Put it in short : a best friend who is able to listen to her without having any judgement or simply jump into conclusion about anything at all.

It is just only a dream; no wonder I have always dislike celebrating Chinese New Year especially I have been asked this question almost everytime when relatives or friends who come and visit and pop the same question to me. Sometimes it makes me nausea just to listen or even to answer everytime. Come on; please give me a break..............At least; I won't be that deadbeat and serious to have one now. The next question they be asking when we will be tying the knot. Oh my God!!!! How on earth are we going to ignore such comments or even comparing with so and so....................On such mundane matters; in fact it can be very hurtful to be with others.

In short, we usually need to pay the price when we are with the other half. It takes two to tango and also to make things work. Some would have their early or some would be having theirs later. Some would not be having any at all. Such irony of fate one would be calling this.........kind of scenario. Can you just imagine when they do come in and visit and pose the same question again. It is absolutely tiring when it comes to such small matter.

For now; money is more important and career need to be on track..............Prince Charming; if there is there is; however if there is none then there isn't any. Period........Any takers now?

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