Sunday, July 01, 2007

Letting Go

Call it an instinct or a 'sense' of 'gut feeling'..............In short that certain feeling............If only I am able to conceive this term into a more 'humane' term or understandable term..............For normal people to understand.........

Sometimes it is by chance or luck things happen; whilst for my case it is more of a curse than of luck to be interpreted it in a 'karmic sensibility'. Okay, just to be more humane in terminology of human senses in understanding simple English language...........After one curse and the next one keeps coming............I wonder if it ever stops.........I know that problems after problems continue and also testing more of my intelligence in dealing with 'senses' and also 'other senses'............Maybe it is from the past lifes which I was in and now it is reaping for me to overcome them at this moment.

At times; there are ways and means to understand the problems and also the curses that come along with it. No wonder it is neverending just to continue with these curses to gather what is more in store. Shesh.............Jesus Christ..............Now it is basically just continue with my life as for now................IF there is any 'bonus' I will keep you informed but how far can this life until I let go of my last breath in this Earth????

Just leave this answer to GOD....................As I am not GOD ALMIGHTY............

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