Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Birth of This Blog

Let this blogger recounts the time when this blog was born. It had been coming to a year now; but with experiences from day to day. The reason this blog is borne is to express thy' feelings, expriences, people, acquaintances, friends, foes as well as people whom unlikely to be met in the unlikely circumstances.

Put it this way, with the usual ramblings, complaints, as well as the experiences in work. Moreover, LIFE is so 'tiffle' now.....................Maybe, not so fulfilling yet...................But in time to come, with LEARNING..............................As we go along......................Going through a PHASE of LIFE........................NOW...............

Maybe, some would be classifying this MCC very 'simple' too 'simple' in the sense of a 'cottage life' or one would term them as 'dingy'....................Wonder how 'dingy' this would be??? In short, LIFE is too SHORT to be wasted away.......................Sometimes, with the changing TIMES and the CIRCUMSTANCES.......................Apart from that, with this BLOG it is the extension of MCC personal interest to jot down on the LOVE to do on what one enjoys doing during past time.....................On the other hand, one would call this MCC is such a BORING PERSON..................

Come to think of it , LIFE is pretty FUNNY.....................Well, what can you say about it........The purpose of this BLOG has been served...................Not for the self declaration of DOHHHness or whatsoever.....................MCC do not even care about the happenings................So what???? This is MCC LIFE......................And for your darling information...............NO POLITICS is even WELCOMED in this BLOG.......................

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