Friday, February 15, 2008

The D-Day

Call it the woman's instinct; it was pretty unexpected. As tomorrow will be the D-Day for the meeting whom I have no idea that I had made the promise. In fact, the person whom I had spoken with on the Chinese New Year Eve is pretty nice, a good voice, as well as sounds quite beautiful. Although, I have not seen the person yet. The funny thing is that this woman seems to be very helpful in what I intend to do for tomorrow function. The problem is that I could not even turn her down.

This meeting has been driving me nuts, in short to the edge of insanity. One of the main reasons is that it is very unexpected and the way she sounds like she has something under her sleeve. If the 'surprise' whom I think and expect to be, maybe FATE or KARMA has in store for this MCC. Maybe, LIFE does not seem to be as tough or bad as it used to be. Hopefully, it would be a 'good' one.

Or the other thing, age is already catching up with this MCC at this moment. Not getting younger but experiences would be the most bitter ones and also the most things which a person would be able to learn from. Yet being a woman, has its advantages and disadvantages..................Somehow this year Chinese New Year............only the closest ones would know what had occurred during those few days of holidays. If consider rest days, but considered them to be pathetic by pathetic people who has nothing better to do but the usual ones that you see in the office daily.

Apart from that, if want to be scarcastic, mean and also losing my temper to those LOSERS would not be one of my options because it makes this MCC not much better than them or just like THEM. Material needs can be a neccessity but not everything must be branded just for the sake of EGO or just to show off. Sounds pretty pathetic isn't it???Therefore, I would prefer to lie low than to go about 'broadcasting' as I am not a very good reporter to read out the news on what is the latest happenings by this celebrity or the top ones with the next billion dollars deal.

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