Sunday, February 17, 2008

Aftermath of D-Day

Maybe, now is not a good time or don't even know what to say at the moment.........Since yesterday...........Someone dared to 'fong fei kei'.....................It is not funny once promise has been made...............There is a saying which goes like this 'promise is easy to make and easy to break'.....................Based by the way of the 'woman' or supposingly a 'man'....................

Is this person a 'transsexual' person may I ask??? If it is so......................Why not just change the gender??? It is not meant to be a source of insult but the way of expressing the disappointment with the display of attitude.................What do you know about feelings anyway???

Sometimes, I still think that LIFE is playing a lot of JOKES on this MCC.................Get real, it may not be the 'forte' of this MCC but still learning each day.................It has never been easy especially trekking into something very new..................It's time to hit the sack............Working again tomorrow..................Will wonders never cease????

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