Saturday, October 20, 2007

Those Were The Days

Imagine now already past a quarter of the century in terms of age. What does it matter anyway? Age is just a figure or a number. Sigh.......How much or how little when it comes to think of LIFE? Being a heroine now? Wondering that? Wonderwoman or Superwoman or even Catwoman or even Power Rangers???Aiyahaha......Aiyahahaha.............
Before that, were actually Care Bears, My Little Ponies, Jem and the Hologram, Captain Power, She Ra, He Man or whatever The Justice League??? Looks like is back to second childhood again...............Reliving those times in cartoonology, or comicology, or even serieslogy...........Crapping and even ramblings non-sense again................When will this ever stop; this LUNATIC ever wonders...........

Those days; imagine with the advancement in technology unlike this 'dummy in technology'...
Okay, who has the free time to give this dummy tuition to 'higher tech' this bloggology??? Never mind about always Missing In Action unlike Arnold Schwargnezzer Always In Action..Bet about it, with those muscles now already replaced with fats.....How time has changed everyone of us in this very moment.....

Sigh.................Sigh............Jesus Christ......For Heavens' Sakes.........Now what is ever churning out from this particular brain of this blogger now......................Now after graduatology time is over, the LIFELOGY is still a long way to go...............Same thing like Psychology...............
Hmmm.........Pretty interesting isn't it; dearies? Bookology is also in this blogger list.........And the room is pretty messy with books..............Books.............Don't even bother about the 'other life' yet.......................This LIFE also not yet very 'kau tim' and want to talk about 'other lifes'...
Burning off karma maybe........Shessh...............Shessh........

Sometimes; issues will still be 'lingering' around us..................This is a matter of fact a reality..
In terms of accomplishments.................What are we able to gather from here???? In terms of monetary? popularity? through word of mouth? networks?........................Still wondering.....
Never stop wondering , still wondering and wandering.....................Sigh........

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