Friday, August 11, 2006


As we move on a daily basis, we go in and out or even punch in and out of our working lifes............This is in fact; an irony we do everyday....for the past how many years?????Let's us count....and see for ourselves.....

Maybe we are destined to be like that; destiny can always be changed......irregardless whether we are suppose to be that or suppose to be this.....So what the heck????!!!!Okay.........
okay...........we may live like this.....but take note we ARE ABLE TO CHANGE OUR DESTINY....
Take a look around us for a change.......

Thank the LORD for providing and bless us to be able to go through or even surf the LIFE now; and what we have on our hands......We thank the LORD...........for giving us the opportunities everywhere for us to have and learn.......ALWAYS.......

We learn from the opportunities.....and also the chances we were given on us.......and IMPROVE FURTHER........BETTER PERSON EVERYDAY....WE ARE DOING THEM UNKNOWINGLY..........

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