Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Be In Thy' Dream

Dear Blog,

I have always believe in my dream that one day there would be someone be at my side. As for now, like a mirage blown away like the bubbles...........................Nothing has come into reality.
Separating between reality and fantasy is a huge task unlike normal people who would be able to do things that it would not seem easy to be done.

As, with the co-ordination in terms of motor movements, thinking process that some would take them for granted. Other than that, dreaming and believing in them would eventually come true which gladly to be in the position of been taken care of. Moreover, it would be a change instead of just depending on thy' parents all the time. It would be a good change to be taken care of.

Sometimes being alone all the time, it is scary and also lonely. The feeling of being abandoned is really strong in terms of words which would not be described in adjectives. Unlike some of those who have taken things for granted as well as in many forms whereby the circumstances would be keep on changing drastically or even gradually. Depending on the situations or even on the environments..................................

Being thinking of you, or even 'don't even bother to take (me) for granted'.........Sometimes couples would be arguing over petty things or even on other unforeseen circumstances. We would be ashamed of ourselves that we could be together but still there are some who would actually in what we have been doing all the time.

Until now.......................dearies, with the uncertainty in LIFE now.............................Would gladly be with someone who would not leave you even when you are at the lowest state...........
Even with the 'swift of the magic wand' by the 'fairy godmother' if there is.....................................Please I would gladly trade places with someone who would be at thy' side until old......or even dying........................................

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