Monday, September 08, 2008

Be Part of Your World

Funny, how this title would suddenly pop up into the air for no apparent reasons at all. In short, this song is actually from The Little Mermaid sang by Ariel. If only,.........................Yeah, if only........................There are so many ifs...................What do you expect??? Anyway........need to keep on rambling what is actually playing in this Mong Cha Cha mind at works NOW.............................

Just in case for the Doctor's order.........................Waiting list to Hospital Bahagia...............Not bad anyway..................For long term treatment..................What says you??? Okay, okay............better keep the ball rolling before any of the imagination keeps on popping out non-sense so that this blog can keeps on functioning like any usual ransackle types of machine-gun.........Sigh.................too violent for the little ones.................To bear or even to listen at all...............

Most of these blogging comes from Walt Disney......................Don't even know.........Have such obession over these animation songs, characters, plots or even the morale in the stories....
One thing, once growing up with them....................It has never left the childhood in US as we grow older...................Mainly, because these are the values which have been taught to us...... Partly, it is because of OUR upbringing that could have brought each of us together in the first place........................Moreover, this is just merely ramblings of non-sense coming in right now before this blogging goes out of hand..........................Can you just believe it that in a matter of moments......................All types of moments have just been recorded in this bloggingness...Put them in short, all the bengangness..........Which actually results in these types of limbo bingoness of words shouting out LOUD NOW:-

Whatever to the things going on here NOW

Writting and blogging on these non-stop ransackle brains

Bringing in storms of wonders

From now and again

What say YOU???

The image ONE PUTS in ONE'S MIND

Calling it the LUNACY


Hoping for that TO STOP

But with the current styles

Of the uncertainties and the futures behold

In what WE are in the PRESENT MOMENT

See when would WE be the ONE

One would be wondering so

Not because of SUCH


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