Sunday, December 03, 2006

Insanity Strikes Back

Just to reiterate on my friend's blog; hers is exceptionally genuine in terms of emotional as well as spiritual. Put it in short, where are you able to get a friend who has been with you through thick and thin during this lifetime. Through a stranger's eyes it would consider as a Buddhistic point of view; dear readers let this simpleton emphasize again 'we reap what we sow'.

Oh dear, oh dear; this simpleton has the craziness coming in again. Not just any craziness but a great term of craziness............No wonder this girlfriend of this simpleton is always complaining 'the level' of speech she is unable to understand. Hello dearie; this simpleton is putting it in simple English language. In fact, cannot wait until the next assignment arrives to be done as a permanent staff. Lots of challenges, opportunities as well as personal and professional growth in an organization which this simpleton is starting to miss its' usual 'excitement' in 'speed, accuracy and facts'..........Hey; the insanity streak is back, this simpleton cannot just lie around like a walking zombie..........Looks like one anyway.Oh My God!!!!!What have this simpleton done????

Hmm...........Hmmmm.........Curiousity sure does kill a cat......Not to waste anymore time on 'preaching season'.......Sure do not want to 'kill the readers' mood' at the moment......What do you suggest dear readers???Any good or even great ideas to share with us ........One of the main reason is that without work the brain is starting to rust........It is working this way...What do you call such a term????Cool it at the moment...............No work and the brain is in such a 'haywire' state and seriously need a good 'brain workout'...............

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