Thursday, October 26, 2006

Back To Work/School

How time flies...........going back to work......Sounds good for this blogger.Itching to do more work as well as exercising the much rusted brain drain after more than a few days break.

Anyway, it's pretty good for a change to indulge in what this blogger had missed out doing them for the past few months.......Funny how Mother Nature works her way with us. This blogger used to dread going back to school........One of the main reasons will be 'this weirdo' facing daily..........Everyone would be looking at this young one who do not know 'what is normal and gentle'...........

Schooldays, university days or whatever days; dear readers you would call them during those days...............Well, this blogger did turn out all right without any things ..........or any of the parts of limbs or bones missing from the body.............Imagination running wild again......What do you expect from a blogger who has nothing on hand now or even 'knight in shining armour'..........That is a bloody joke one would call them. Forgive my language at the moment too emotional at the moment
to think sanely.

Just feeling so hungry to live in the 'fairytale kingdom' and stay there if possible......Hey; what is wrong when a person has more than one imagination in the mind as well as trying to do the best............Well, what is the best situation now is to be 'who this blogger in the first place 'just be myself'.Can never satisfy anyone curiousity or even the yearn to keep on upgrading the processing and the knowledge to grow further and more.

Better not to blog further, and today is the working day for this blogger who have not slept at this ungodly hour............Stay low, and maintain low always; and make sure my work and other stuff in tip top condition.
Knight in shining armour; blah!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Terrible Temper

As one would have put a word as such 'temper will unleash the most evil inside of us'. Maybe it does spell the danger in having a nasty temper. In fact, it runs in the family. Today; it happened unexpectedly for a person who may deems to be 'the nice and innocent one'............does have a very nasty temper to control........Controlling and checking every part of the brains..........which might holds the 'trigger point'..........Once unleashed the worst had had happened.........Sometimes how this simpleton wish that LIFE would treat this incident as a LESSONS..........

LESSONS which might teach us the value of humankinds as well as the worst enemies within us will be the temper...........We cannot turn back this might be once and always..........LIFE is always not that simple.........The simplicity that this simpleton wish for is not here yet.................Maybe Mother Nature has more to teach me more things to come and much more to learn.........Just cannot bear to tell this to anyone yet.........Still too much of the past lurking inside and outside cannot be told and be seen by anyone at all.....

Though; it may sound absurd to some of you, this simpleton is still guessing on the consequences as well as the 'punishment behold this simpleton' will be facing soon enough at the moment.........Imaginary friends when this simpleton was younger helped to ease the pain and the need to tell someone the joys and pains in LIFE.........NOW, the imaginary friends will be this writtings to tell thy' stories and happenings in LIFE...........

'Knight in shining armour'............hmmmmm.......during younger days and still imagining still........Too absurb at the moment to think sanely NOW........and don't know why..........If not; how in such manner would such a manner to behold still...........There is a saying 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder'.............Beauty cannot last forever, temper will be controlled and evenly.................Long way more to learn especially with the current sure drives one temper to the maximum limit............

Was verbally abused by maids before, used by them......Let's not dwell in the past anymore.......Too much pain, MEMORIES........long forgotten and also coming back slowly and gradually.........Who's is eating who alive from inside out the moment.............

Fairytales.......fairytales......if please hear me so fairy godmother..........
becoming a better person everyday......every second.......every minute...
LIFE is never that simple anymore.............If can please put me inside the fairytale books......with happily ever after ending......................

Life Is A Fairytale

Wondering why such title would appear on your screen at this moment?
Well, this time you why???? Wondering we always ask ourselves such questions at the moment.........Irony statement coming from a person who only in love with work at the moment...............Maybe people perceive this simpleton this way......Anyway, so what; and who cares about this simpleton on how this simpleton wants to lead the life........

Don't tell me that there is a 'knight in shining armour' will appear in my life and sweep this simpleton off my feet at the moment.......All of this; it is a matter of figment of this simpleton imagination at the moment........
Let's not endure such moment of imagination in this simpleton hand at this ungodly hour......One would perceive such as a biological clock is in a dysfunctional state as such too much involved in everything at the moment.......Maybe......recharging the systems now has been taken care of .........back to homework logging in again as well as relearning new things and the worst part is 'can't wait to get back to work'.........Put it this sure makes this simpleton sounds more insane every moment.........

If there is such fairytale happens in this simpleton life at this moment.....
please spare this simpleton a fare share of sanity just in case 'the insanity strikes back'................Itching to know more about every field that have rather interesting backgrounds or even absurd ways to find ways and means to get things done........Maybe at this moment............a
little comfort and understanding will come some days..............It's a long wait ..................Sometimes it is better to put this simpleton in the nuts house better still so that the 'brains can be fixed' under the normal circumstances............

When there is a fairy godmother appears.........please let this blogger would help a lot in terms of 'living in a fairytale land'........Fat chance we are in harsh reality.........Reality does has a SHARP BITES..........

Monday, October 23, 2006

Alternate Dimensions

Okay, for now.............sometimes wishing in the alternate dimensions with better lives or lifestyles than this current one at the moment. In fact, nothing is impossible at the moment for now. Nearly forgotten, still need to put aside the emotional and feelings aside for the sake of the main priority. Easier said than is always like that.

Better put always at the moment..........HEARTS AFFAIRS..........maybe it is just a figment of imagination for now.............It seems so real................but nothing can be said or done at the moment..............Just a typical joke Mother Nature just 'tested on' anyway........
Maybe it's better to be 'unreal' than to be 'real'.............

In fact, unlike the others whom this simpleton have known throughout the years........................
everything seems to be going the way how they would want it to be at the moment.............
Such irony we are facing well as the harsh reality world we are in...............
day in and day out...................

Typical for a 'kampung ah lien' saying such a moment like this.......Maybe, just maybe............for a change to have DREAMS...........just to dream has helped in 'easing the pain away'..................for hard and harsh times............Still yet to contemplate further.........

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Real and Unreal

Okay put it the way, you want to put it. It is unnecessary for a person to be confused with realities and imagination. Should this simpleton put them in a more realistic way. We are living in a really harsh realities world. We manage this daily by putting aside our emotional and feelings as the other alternate way in completing our assigned tasks which need to be completed within a short period of time.

Sometimes, it is pretty bored just working only but 'lacking in something'. Priority now is still the career first; if not the rest would not follow suit. How sometimes this blogger wish that it would be easier to have someone to really pour your heart to and tell out the things that you would not tell anyone...................Get real, in this world we need to be 'selfish' and 'harsh'..........
This is how the world works..............from the day we were born. Let's not forget the 'hearts affairs' one would think it would be a nuiscance............

'Hearts affairs' not an easy topic or matter to be solved.........The usual saying 'it takes two to tango'..........
Just to make it simpler..........everything needs EFFORT.........
no matter in which areas we are in NOW.......................Oh boy; oh boy............looks like this simpleton seems to be in 'real trouble' NOW...........Is there such thing really DO EXIST NOW????????????? Am still wondering over this matter...........
It is not easy after HAPPENINGS.......EVENTS.......PASTS.......
they can make an impact...........BIG IMPACT....................
One would know what this blogger means......................

Let's not blogger now..........BACK TO REALITY.............

Saturday, October 21, 2006


One would have wondered why such title pops up suddenly? Well, in fact we do know how the pineapple looks like literally.........Hmmmmm.......In physical form it is very sharp in the outside with pines all over the fruit; and the flesh inside is sweet and tender depends on its types of pineapples.........There are quite a few.......Better not elaborate on this fruit area as this simpleton is not that expert in terms of analyzing its content.........

Better to explain in a form of this simpleton thought process on this fruit:

As one wonder why this fruit
Some really loves it or hates it or both
As this is only a matter of fact
The next one in mind

Can a reader guess the content
Of the meaning of this writtings
As such it beholds a meaning
Only 'some' would know

Nor would wonder how
On earth this particular fruit
Becomes a topic
Of wonder in a sudden

Not yours or mine
But both
In terms of brains, age and gender
One literally laugh all the way

Hey; this is based on facts of events
Some would know
Some would wonder
Some would be in doubts

Who cares only
Those who knows; who cares
Who understands on how it works
Can you guess what fruit this simpleton is??????

Put it this way; LIFE works it wonder and the only thing this simpleton needs is 'comfort' at the moment.................Anyway, not to blogger on this issue yet............More to come once there is INSPIRATIONS and IDEAS........then this blogger would be bloggering is only 'recharging'.....................

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Taking Lives

Wondering why such title popped up??? Well, this simpleton is pretty in an unusual state of mind at the moment.............If this can be answered then the blog would not have appeared in the first place dear readers............First, this 'simpleton' was wondering if there is any existence of 'Mr. Right'....Put it this way it is an irony statement because there are plenty of CASONOVA everywhere......Hehehehehe; no doubts about it......................As another factor would the career advancement............Not forgetting on friends,fiends,colleagues, new friends as well as new business associates and even acquaintances whom this simpleton have met along the way........................Lacking in lots of areas though, one would find them..........

Still contemplating whether to create another this simpleton have not been receiving any comments about anything at the moment.......Maybe it is the facts which have been put in daily that applies in our daily lifes...........Well, we do everytime anyway......not forgetting that we are the 'homo sapiens'........dear readers......A lot to catching up to do in my career field in terms of technical, adminstrations, accountings, as well as other areas........Lots of homework still need to be done..............Such irony we face daily......that is UNSATISFACTORIES...........

Okay, okay........the demand that this simpleton instill in terms of workwise, community services; everyone would be complaining too difficult to achieve the standards set by this simpleton is way 'too high' or 'unreachable'.............Let's put in the other person's shoe.......If a person is able to do that particular task WHY NOT YOU???????It is a matter of EFFORT......Time efficiency, management, as well as 'double multi-tasking'...........In other words, increase the capacity of an individual's production capacity or 'productivity'..........Nothing is impossible to achieve when you have put your mind into it..........

It is better than be bullied when no one teaches you to do any work but rely on your own common sense as well as initiatives to learn the jobs or tasks............Those were the days........This simpleton do not wish to venture into such 'past years' anyway.........It was way too 'harsh' or 'TOUGH'...............

Think about dear readers........Just an update......still to come........

Sunday, October 08, 2006

To Be Or Not

Well, in terms of such title; one would think why is this 'simpleton' is up to today??? In fact, this 'simpleton' at the moment now is still thinking is that such thing as 'yours truly'. My dear readers you would be able to understand so; in different terms in : emotional, spiritual, or even career.

Let's put it in a nicer way, is there such thing nowadays. After watching the Hallmark movie on 'Mom at sixteen'............that certainly put me into thinking mode. What do you expect anyway? Imagine being pregnant at the age of fifteen and a mum at sixteen.............This simpleton can't imagine being's way too complicated at the moment. Not only that, there some 'unspoken rules or boundaries' which need to be laid out. Moreover, if this 'simpleton' do own a business ; at this moment it is way too much burden as managing a business requires an 'art or subtleness' in handling people and even managing them. The return of capital is one of them as well as maintaining the business at the tip top condition is another factor to keep ahead of current and upcoming well........not only that $$$$$$ another one major reason.........

One would think being your own boss is better than being employed. There are pros and cons; in both sides as a boss as well as an employee. Being your own boss is 24hours looking after your own 'baby business' then being an employee 'no worries about baby business'........The returns being your own boss is definitely higher than an employee.............I mean many times terms of $$$$$ as well as social network circuit........Still learning on the social network circuit...............need more improving........more ideas and more inspiration to help this blog to continue if not........'very susah'.........

It is a come to terms in values, social norms, networking and certain 'mannerism' for certain people.......still lots more to learn from 'boss'.........long way more to learn some more.........What to do.......'this new pork chop'..........not 'old ginger' for those who are very very experienced........Experience can not be bought and it is priceless...........

Enjoying the moment before the hectic period comes.........can't wait for that anyway.......more work better still.........

Monday, October 02, 2006


One would have thought that this 'non-sense' simpleton is up to the usual stuff again. When one's thought in provoking a certain 'nerves' then one would think that this person has already 'screwed up'. That term is way too 'harsh' if it were to be put in such a 'nasty way'.

In fact, LIFE can put us in different forms and sizes. Apart from that, we can actually see through the terms and conditions arising from there. As such, LIFE will always be a part of CIRCUS. You are talking about a 'clown here' and I REALLY mean it!!!!

This simpleton clown have this certain habit in 'insanity streak'. Well, one would think if this simpleton 'memang ada "something wrong or not".........So, readers what do you think at this very moment. Sometimes, when your brain is not itself; it rather weary and very 'humph'.......hmmmmmmmm

Okay, okay less dramatic now but at least now the nerves are still steady after the months of training by my lady boss. Trust me, one would even think that I am a trader.........What a joke!!!!!!Hhaahhaaha........Let's not blogger on this issue.

After so many years of 'tough training and condemning as well as distrustness'...........Sometimes it can be pretty hard to be 'soft and gentle' again..........What this simpleton mean 'normal nerves and natural'.............Pretty hard to swallow isn't it dear readers don't you think?????? Well; just ponder and see you next time......