Sleepy Sleepy Bang Bang
Just this blogger would one about one day....................Now would not be that one day.............Only.................Just one day only........................
In a lost world of jungle........ still always......Still learning on during this journey........Of those unknown LIFE
Just this blogger would one about one day....................Now would not be that one day.............Only.................Just one day only........................
Posted by
1:02 AM
Dear Blog,
I have always believe in my dream that one day there would be someone be at my side. As for now, like a mirage blown away like the bubbles...........................Nothing has come into reality.
Separating between reality and fantasy is a huge task unlike normal people who would be able to do things that it would not seem easy to be done.
As, with the co-ordination in terms of motor movements, thinking process that some would take them for granted. Other than that, dreaming and believing in them would eventually come true which gladly to be in the position of been taken care of. Moreover, it would be a change instead of just depending on thy' parents all the time. It would be a good change to be taken care of.
Sometimes being alone all the time, it is scary and also lonely. The feeling of being abandoned is really strong in terms of words which would not be described in adjectives. Unlike some of those who have taken things for granted as well as in many forms whereby the circumstances would be keep on changing drastically or even gradually. Depending on the situations or even on the environments..................................
Being thinking of you, or even 'don't even bother to take (me) for granted'.........Sometimes couples would be arguing over petty things or even on other unforeseen circumstances. We would be ashamed of ourselves that we could be together but still there are some who would actually in what we have been doing all the time.
Until now.......................dearies, with the uncertainty in LIFE now.............................Would gladly be with someone who would not leave you even when you are at the lowest state...........
Even with the 'swift of the magic wand' by the 'fairy godmother' if there is.....................................Please I would gladly trade places with someone who would be at thy' side until old......or even dying........................................
Posted by
1:24 AM
Dear Blog,
Posted by
1:24 AM
Have any of you ever wonder why blogging now is such a phenomenon now if compared with the previous generation. Other than that, it is merely a trend whereby there are so much information from the internet as well as new happenings.
Okay, maybe has been a bit in 'over-rated' in terms of blogging. Just not to mention on that on the hearts may one seem to be 'feeling'.....................Not just merely by blogging only it is also a trends on freedom of expressions.................This way of freedom of expressions have changed from time to time, yet not only a few would be able to comprehend from there.........Just a way blogger would blog......................from food, travels in a shoestring budget, politics, fashion, etc....
Imagine such world wide web of information with a click away, these information would be made available........................If these were to be compared with the last few generations ago it would be 'hard to obtain information'................Yet somehow or rather, one would eventually 'get to know' on how to prepare such detailed information or get 'precious details'.......................Moreover, this blogger has many things which would view it as a way of 'working'..............
Thankfully, with such advancement in technology we would be connected in a variety of ways from overseas to abroad...............................LIFE is uncertain, but we would not be able to avoid deaths........................No matter how rich or how poor a person would be.........Yet, with such uncertainties it would be in terms of blogging..........Better to put all the banging or popping out of words............As sometimes this blogger would not able to all...........
Posted by
1:09 AM
Dear Bloggie,
It has been sometime that the mind would be working on something useful and productive for a change. In fact, it is from the movie series of 'Sex and the City' would actually put a quite an impression on me. Apart from that, my sister and I have been avid fans of this series for years or not since the production on such series and movie.
Moreover, it is how WE draw our LIFE that actually makes the differences whether it's big or small. Ripples of reactions would be able to be crafted from there as one would one day acknowledges that this is from one's such instinct which would results in OUR characters whereby this is just only a tip of the iceberg. Sometimes this blogger would want to do something different for a change instead of just hanging out in the house.
Yet, somehow or rather there is something missing in this blogger LIFE or someone IMPORTANT................................That would be unlikely for the blogger to reveal everything which private and confidential in this world wide web of information. would still remain PERSONAL LIFE PRIVATE.........................
This blogger is thankful for numerous of things, namely:-
1. Family
2. Someone(Secret) who has always made me feel myself and also a best buddies(PCK,QMJ,D2,BGF)
3. An organization with lots of warmth, love, giving, etc...
4. A digital camera, a laptop with countless accessories.
5. Aiming to get a DSLR digital camera soon
6. Would be attending dhamma course to learn new things.
7. Would need to keep on reminding this blogger mind that there are signature strengths as well as talents.
8. Need to do more workout to keep in shape as well sharp and active.
9. Meet a lot of prominient personalities in this LIFETIME as well as learning to do new things.
10. Aiming to travel out more often and mix with own peers.
Now that, with this list it would not be enough to cover every single area in terms of spiritual, emotionally, physically, psychologically, in addition to that, learning has been neverending in work as well as in food experimenting.
Bye for now bloggie, would be updating you soon once this blogger has get back on feet to do things which would take up some time..................Tata tata until then.......................
Posted by
12:28 AM