Thursday, June 29, 2006


This is one pen I do not know whether to consider this as poem or whatsoever :

When one was filled with unusual harshness
Will one be stony and also reserved 2 oneself
If none were there to lean on
The pain would go away

This pain is deep n 2 deep
Yet still so fresh like it was yesterday
In form of emotions, mental and physical
Thy; yet 2 be known

Would u want to know more of thee
Yet; unable to tell this pain come
It is still too harsh and deep in mark
Am I still that person so???

God, please help me so......
In this journey.....from thy started on me
Trials and turbulence on LIFE
Am I still that harshness,stony,stillness so????

Therefore, make us who we are.................and until now.......please make a guess on what you would want to know or how we would want to LIFE be........Still in doubts, still in worries, still in finding in one, the FINDING WILL CONTINUE.........AS THEE.....SHALL NEED TO BE


Mysterious, annoymous; I do enjoy being all of this because this is one part of me that I dislike others to judge me by others' shadow. As I have always enjoyed my annoymous status less problems, less worries and less politics to care for. If you want to know the truth; I do not even care less on how,what others think and the only thing that I care will be on workwise and nothing else. I will do my part on what I am suppose to do.

The main reason for me to do; I actually prefer a simple lifestyle rather than a complicated environment, well life is complicated anyway. What the heck!!! In terms of getting an established career will be my number one priority at the moment and the rest will be history. Currently, I am also having my own worries for a time being. Hmmm........, we do have our own problems, nevertheless; we would always be able to find the solutions.

Life is never holding us back but we would hold back on what????? Think more and learn more each steps as we could even upgrade further than to wait for do for us.......

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Tough Luck

Ever wonder what will happen in the next two to three years time.........well, everything is uncertain. Put it in short, I can consider the 'out of luck' person. You may wonder why?

First, I am not that good in academic achievements. Secondly, I have no luck in falling in love. Finally, my career path is still uncertain. Would I cry over them, or even feeling sorry for myself, saying that I am such a dimwit in luck and also comparing how good the life of my other friends have in love and in career?????

What do you think? Sometimes I am still wondering why in the world I have started this blog. My personality I would say that it could bring arguements or even debate........hey this is who I am. Personally, I am pretty curious in the IT field and also programming hey I am dummy in this cyberworld........

Do not expect...anything from LIFE; we have been given life to pursue our dreams and see ourselves in TIME to come. THERE IS NO POINT CRYING OR NOT LETTING GO THE PAST, WE WILL BE HURTING OURSELVES MORE.........

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

To Be Or Not To Be?

TIME..........TIME.........It is the essence of life in every second...everytime we breath; we are who we are at this moment. No matter how tough the life is going to be, surfing them will always make us who we are now. Taking one step at a time, in a new turf........ it is like making change in yourself and also the perception of life.

You may lost your girlfriend who no longer loves you, you may lost your beloved grandparents or parents or even your best friend from diseases or even disasters. We can never control or able to control others. You are not weak or timid maybe you are not ready for changes. However, you can take control of your life and not to lose your own identity just because of this you think it's worth your time and effort on what you have had done????

Look at the fate of others.....who are even in worst position who have no limbs, no sight, no family to be with or even friends.......Compare to those who are less fortunate...and thou shall always be grateful on what you have on hand than not on thee hand. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself; do something and have a purpose in life. Have faith, love and inner peace in yourself for heaven sakes!!!!!!!

Think ahead.....and always figure ways or modify the way on how things as there are. From there, help those if you think they need help or pray for them if you think you are unable to help to do so. God.... please help me so, as this is not the first time I am looking at such person; look around you......just close your eyes,feel the air, enjoy the serenity of MOTHER NATURE.....who has always embrace us with her love with the wonders day after day.

Surround yourself with carry forward with futures and the sense of the presence delighting with Mother Nature's love.

True Love

Ever wonder how it feels like to be loved by someone? Romance novels like Mills and Boons and Harlequins until now still specified that the first thing in a person's mind will always be 'sex'. I had been reading all the romance novels, that had been filled with passions, unfulfilling desires by person's uncontrallable lust during my schooldays. Apart from that, when I looked back I find them to be bored and also very 'shallow'.

Well, my dream of my 'self imagined knight in shining armour' is one way to make full use of my dreams in writting as a part of who I am now. It is a bit weird; I think as my age begin to increase and I am still pondering if my wisdom is increasing the same rate. Hmmm........let me tell you my standard or the criteria I would want in a man.

The following requirements are quite easy to fulfilled anyway:

1. He must only love me only, faithful, loyal and also a best friend.
2. Please do not make 'sex' as a topic in any conversation.
3. He must be himself.
4. He enjoys arguing and exchanging opinions with me.
5. We enjoy growing with each other; in terms of intellectual, emotions, and also spiritual.
6. He must be older and more mature in terms of mentality.

Nowadays, I hardly find guys with such criteria. Either they are too submissive, too egoistic after bruising by a girl/lady or either think they are damn too smart and girl/lady ought to stay in the house and breed children.

Hey this is already the 21st century!!!!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Journey To Be Wondered

A new adventure.......yet to be known, as always taking the first step will be the hardest and the rest is history. Pretty ironic don't you think? Ever wonder what will you look like when you are old, with wrinkles, puffy eyes bags as well as with 'cracking bones' or 'slow movements'.

My imagination now is running 'too wild' at the moment. I do not expect much from life. As long as I know that everything that I do; I will do my best and from the bottom of my heart, I am already fulfilled. Pretty 'Plain Jane' for an urban brought up child and not the usual 'kampung child' that you see with wild 'tomboy antics' , fighting with boys......oh boy, oh boy those were my schooldays getting into fight to the extent punching each other face and nose. 'Plain Jane' sure in the Malaysian context very unladylike......hmmmmmmmm......No wonder my mum is a bit worried about me at this moment.

Mothers.....sigh.....when you are one, then you will understand; but I am not as I am a carefree, free-spirited, and also very laid-back person with 'suburban type attitude'. Ha......I could not even be bothered with the usual questions from the wedding dinners that I usually attend 'When is your turn to be the bride?'. My answer dear friends, 'In your dreams, bud '.......
just treating this pretty statement......with my usual jokes......I am a JOKER to those who know any of you who are reading at this moment.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Passion For Life

Life definitely is full of wonders, and the excitement; love and also delights in seeing changes in small wonders. The type and the path of life we have chosen now may not sound rite or even sane sounding for some people in terms in creating a bloglifestyle which is pretty new to me at the moment.

A total dummy in programming and also not so IT proficient like some people have the uncanny ability to do so in many ways. Well, a dummy now is learning everything step by step; it may sound so 'ah lien' . Well, life is full of surprises and also surfing through life needs to stop and ponder and look back at ourselves. Are we who we are at the moment???? We can change destiny and the path or the way we look at life......Friends,fiends and even acquaintances can make drastic changes. Our identity can not be taken away, as the way we feel, think and laugh about everything life is in fact a joke for us to laugh at ourselves.

Recently, I had been through a very tough period in life and it involves my integrity, values and also my beliefs. When I read through romantic articles; like a man who is still very much in love with his first love. Every girl/lady who reads them will be very touched by such man. I wanted to shed my tears but I could not do so; the reason so I have no more tears to do. Letting go of what every person who wishes to have one to begin anew is another phase when a person makes a wrong turn; a new adventure begins. This adventure is a new turf to be explored and yet to be known by some, true love, true friendships and also the dedication, committment in lifes will always make one wonder. Time will tell if we have changed and friends will tell to us unknowingly without crossing our minds and our hearts.

Please feel free to blog me further to improve where I have just started. Comments or anything that come into your mind.